Getting Started

Quick start plugin guide

Installing the plugin

  1. Navigate to the Add New in the plugins dashboard

  2. Search for WP Query Engine

  3. Click Install Now

  4. Activate the plugin on the plugin dashboard

Uploading Using WordPress

  1. Navigate to the Add New in the plugins dashboard

  2. Navigate to the Upload area

  3. Select from your computer

  4. Click Install Now

  5. Activate the plugin in the plugin dashboard

Using FTP

  1. Download

  2. Extract the wp-query-engine directory to your computer

  3. Upload the wp-query-engine directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

  4. Activate the plugin in the plugin dashboard

Using the plugin


Simple place the shortcode [wp_query] anywhere in your content. The shortcode takes several optional arguments to customize the query, and the output.

Last updated